Blog Posts

Welcome to my blog page. Here I can talk about anything I want to. If you want to learn more about tutorials on programming and music production, please check out my YouTube channels.

November 26, 2021
DIY Sound absorbers for home studios
Easy to build sound absorbers that look amazing and better yet... sound amazing.
June 1, 2021
Swiftui Tutorial for beginners - Getting Started
This is the first part of the my SwiftUI tutorial for beginners series called getting started. In this tutorial I am going to go over the basics of getting started and setting you a project.
May 13, 2021
How to set up a home recording Recording Studio for beginners
Setting up a recording studio is an exciting endeavour. If you are a beginner to audio production, this blog has some great recommendations to get you up and running well within budget. Check out my YouTube video to further explore setting up a home recording studio for beginners.
April 30, 2021
Best Podcast Microphones for 2021
If you are looking to start a podcast, I made a list of some of my favourite microphones I have used over the past 5 years of podcasting. There are so many great mic's to choose from, but these are the ones I keep coming back too.
April 27, 2021
Top Accessories for a Tesla Model 3
If you are looking at getting a Model 3... like me eventually, here are a few accessories I recommend to check out. Oh this has affiliate links :D
April 27, 2021
How to record with Pro Tools
Pro Tools is an amazing program. If you are looking to start recording with Pro Tools and want to know where to begin please check out this posting and YouTube video.
April 19, 2021
5 reasons why I want a Tesla
So, now that I'm going down the Tesla rabbit hole, I figure I should post what I have found out about Teslas. So, here are 5 reasons why I want to buy a Tesla.
March 2, 2021
Website Design Preparation
Creating amazing websites doesn't start at the keyboard, it starts with a little bit of planing and asking what you want your web design to accomplish. In this blog post I talk about understanding who will be using your website and how to answer the question, where are they visiting your website in the first place.
February 24, 2021
Why I started learning SwiftUI
SwiftUI is a framework developed by Apple for Swift. It makes creating iOS applications more intuitive to develop and is fun. If you are wondering if you Should learn SwiftUI I would totally recommend it.
February 9, 2021
5 Free iOS Apps for Musicians
There are so many great iOS apps out there. The key is finding apps that can integrate into your day-to-day workflow. To help you with that I have made a list of 5 free iOS apps for musicians. These apps range from apps that will help you practice to distribution.
February 3, 2021
Website Design Tools For Beginners
I wanted to make a quick blog post about some of the tools I found useful when designing websites. I'm a big fan of designing with very simple tools to get the idea developed. This article is about a few tools I recommend when starting out in web design.
February 3, 2021
DIY Sound Diffuser Build
Its been a long time since I posted these plans. I had to pull it from the archives so I'm missing a few pics. Other then that it talks about making a simple 3rd diffuser. I will be coming back to these builds in a few months hopefully so keep checking out the YouTube channel.